August 24, 2008

Logo or Logotype? Don't confuse your customers!

Does logo mean exactly the same as logotype? In a strict sense, the answer is no. Logo refers only to the graphic symbols used on a company's brand, while logotype refers only to the text depicted in such brand. That's the theory.

On the other hand, in the real world logo and logotype are often used as synonyms, referring to the whole brand (images plus words).

So my advice is to avoid confusing your customers with such technical jargon:
  • Call the graphic elements just symbol, image or even icon.

  • Call the logotype text just company name or even text.

  • Your clients would probably not make any distinction between the terms logo or logotype when talking about the whole design.

logo or logotype
This may be less correct, but will prove much more effective. Remember that your customer is worried about having a strong corporate identity, not about what does logo or logotype exactly mean!

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